Thursday, 15 September 2011

Mahi Kainga Winner - Letter R

Congratulations, Matt

Wednesday, 14 September 2011


we are going to interview 4 people to see how they feel about doing homework.

Do you like the amount of homework we do at the moment?

Sophie: yes

Austin:No I want less homework

Becky:No I think we shouldn't have the maths times table grid.

Do you like this homework?




Do you like the amount of maths we do?

Sophie:Sort of I think it is reasonable

Austin:No I want less

Becky:No we shouldn't do the times table grid.

When we finish doing the alphabet homework should we do something different?

Sophie:I think so

Austin:No more homework


Do you like the time limit we have for homework or should it be different if so how long?

Sophie:I like the limit I just think it should be due on a different day

Austin:I think we should have no time limit because we should have no homework

Becky:Yes it is a good time limit.

hope lots of other people like homework