Saturday, 28 May 2011


Go hard out collecting those Yummy stickers (located on certain apples) and Colgate boxes (any flavour). Not only will we benefit via mountains of sports gear for the sports shed in Room 1, there is a weekly competition  between Kahikatea House classes and there are Spirit points for the House with the most. Also, there are 50 group points per Yummy and 100 group points per Colgate in Room 4.

Remind family and friends to look out for these brands if possible (sometimes though they are not on special so when they fit within the budget) and keep the stickers/boxes aside for us.

Friday, 27 May 2011


Production is a huge thing at TIS and lots of people are into it.
At the end of term 2 (week 10) production students will be performing at Bay Court.
Name of production: Who does that?
Who does that? Is all about two boys who come to a city called Follywood then they get stuck in a lie and pretend that they're water gods....

Here are some interviews of some production students from RM4.

What is the part that you play?
Kaeleigh: Prime minister 3
Hannah: Waitress
Taylor: Late party goer

How long have you been acting?
Kaeleigh: Since last year
Hannah: 2 years
Taylor: Just started this term.

Do you have a main part in the Production?
Kaeleigh: Yes
Hannah: No
Taylor: No

Are you enjoying it so far?
Kaeleigh: Yes but it's very busy
Hannah: Yes it is very fun trying on all the costumes
Taylor: Yes it is a good opportunity & it is fun

Will you be nervous when you perform at bay court?
Kaeleigh: Because I have never performed in front of anyone before
Hannah: Probably not because I dont have a very big part
Taylor: Yes because I've never acted in front of lots of people

How is production practice going?
Kaeleigh: good but there are a lot of scenes to go through
Hannah: yes it is going good
Taylor: It's going great and it's really fun

On a rate out of 10 what would you rate the quality of the actors in production?
Kaeleigh: 7 or 8
Hannah: 8/10
Taylor: 9/10

Monday, 23 May 2011

TIS Cross Country

Here are the current school Cross Country records:


Please note, the cross country date has now been changed to Friday 1st July. 
The start times are as follows:

Start Times:
9.00am Year 7 Girls
9.25am Year 7 Boys
9.50am Year 8 Girls
10.15am Year 8 Boys
Students please bring running shoes to wear and a named water bottle. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend.

Kahikatea's indoor soccer

Games: Rata/ Kahikatea- Kahikatea won 2/1

A group of Kahikatea students trialed for the indoor soccer team. Here are some of the players,
Tanzeel, Christian, Mattew, Mitchell, Zian, Rubin, Keeley, Shawn ( Captain ), Katey ,Tayla, Petra, Daemon, Conrad


Matthews, Christian and Tanzeel 

What position do you play?
Chris: right striker.
Mat: striker.
Tanzeel: mid.

How long have you played soccer for?
Chris: 8 years .
Matt: 8 years.
Tanzeel: 6 years.

A scale out of 10 how would you rate your indoor soccer team skills?

Chris: 8.
Matt: 6.
Tanzeel: 7.

What is your favourite team?
Chris: Manchester. 
Matt: Liver pool.
Tanzeel: Barcelona.  

Who is your favorite player?

Chris: Christiana Reldo.
Matt : Messi.
Tanzeel: David Sqarez.

Whats your least favourite team?

Chris: Chelsea.
Matt :Chelsea.
Tanzeel: Chelsea.

What team do you play for? 
Chris: Blue rovers.
Matt: Blue rover/ bull dogs.
Tanzeel: Waipuna.

Do you have any comments about your game against Rata?

Chris: It went well but we could of been better.
Matt: Mine and Rubin's goal was mean as.
Tanzeel: Rata was running around a lot.

Who do you think will be the toughest house to verse?

Chris: Manuka/Tawa.
Matt: Totara/Tawa.
Tanzeel: Totara.

Times table:

Pool A                                                                                Pool B

Tawa                                                                                   Kahikatea
Rimu                                                                                   Manuka
Miro                                                                                    Kauri
Matai                                                                                  Totara
Tanekaha                                                                            Rata
Pool A                                                                                Pool B                                               
Tawa v Miro - Tues 10                                                      Kahikatea v Rata - Tues 10                                       
Rimu v Matai - Thur 12                                                     Manuka v Kauri - Thur 12
Tanekaha v Miro - Tues 17                                               Totara v Rata - Tues 17
Tawa v Rimu - Thur 19                                                     Kahikatea v Kauri - Thur 19
Matai v Tanekaha - Tues 24                                             Manuka v Totara - Tues 24
Miro v Rimu - Thur 26                                                      Rata v Kauri - Thur 26
Tawa v Matai - Tues 31                                                    Kahikatea v Totara - Tues 31
Tanekaha v Rimu - Thur 2                                               Manuka v Rata - Thur 2
Miro v Matai - Tues 7                                                       Totara v Kauri - Tues 7
Tanekaha v Tawa - Thur 9                                               Manuka v Kahikatea - Thur 9
Semis - Tues 14
Pool A 1 v Pool B 2
Pool A 2 v Pool B 1
Final - Thur 16

By Neiwa, Alana, Natasha.