Friday, 27 May 2011


Production is a huge thing at TIS and lots of people are into it.
At the end of term 2 (week 10) production students will be performing at Bay Court.
Name of production: Who does that?
Who does that? Is all about two boys who come to a city called Follywood then they get stuck in a lie and pretend that they're water gods....

Here are some interviews of some production students from RM4.

What is the part that you play?
Kaeleigh: Prime minister 3
Hannah: Waitress
Taylor: Late party goer

How long have you been acting?
Kaeleigh: Since last year
Hannah: 2 years
Taylor: Just started this term.

Do you have a main part in the Production?
Kaeleigh: Yes
Hannah: No
Taylor: No

Are you enjoying it so far?
Kaeleigh: Yes but it's very busy
Hannah: Yes it is very fun trying on all the costumes
Taylor: Yes it is a good opportunity & it is fun

Will you be nervous when you perform at bay court?
Kaeleigh: Because I have never performed in front of anyone before
Hannah: Probably not because I dont have a very big part
Taylor: Yes because I've never acted in front of lots of people

How is production practice going?
Kaeleigh: good but there are a lot of scenes to go through
Hannah: yes it is going good
Taylor: It's going great and it's really fun

On a rate out of 10 what would you rate the quality of the actors in production?
Kaeleigh: 7 or 8
Hannah: 8/10
Taylor: 9/10


  1. It was fun reading what it's like in production. Why did Kaeleigh rate the production experience 7 or 8 out of 10?

  2. Yes it was really fun and i like how you guys had a interveiw with them

  3. YAY i am in the productian:)

  4. hey guys i really liked your topic you choose but i think maby you need ask more complicated questions like why do you think you should be in the production.

  5. I cant wait till the production is on it is going to be soooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome i like my part even though it is a extra my family are so proud because im in the production because i was the lead in my old schools production and i think Kaeleigh is going to be so good as prime minister 3 and so will the others and Grace you are the same part as me so YAY as well

  6. cool topic really nice to read about it cant what to watch it. jake:-)

  7. whats a late party goer

  8. HAHa Cant wait to see the Production Its goin to be great hah TAylor i hope its not like the one u did on xmas on the feild in 2009 haha

  9. WOW!! that post is awesome wonder who did it?? OHH thats right me !! no wonder it is amazing! :)

  10. nice guys the post is so awesome. jake :)

  11. hey guys what a really interesting topic to choose for your blog keep up the great effort ka mau te wehi

  12. This post is really awesome i like how you have asked production people about what they are doing at production
