Monday, 29 August 2011


We searched the web and found some quite funny jokes take a look!


1.what do you call a pub on mars?

2.why doesn't a skeleton go to a dance?

3.what man doesn't sink?

4.what's small, cuddly and purple?

5. why are elephants wrinkly?

6.what happens when you cross a parrot with a centipede?

7.what happens when a frog's car brakes down?

8. what are the strongest animals?

9.what happened when the lion ate the comedian?

10.what has  six eye but can't see?


1.a mars bar

2.he had no body to go with


4.koala holding its breath

5.they can't afford iorns

6. a walkie talkie

7. he gets toad away

8.a snail because he carries his house on his back

9.he felt funny

10.3 blind mice

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